Cristanini SpA was founded in 1972 and has a long worldwide experience in the field of high pressure technologies – with a very strong presence all over the world – and offers a complete range of civil, industrial and military protection equipment. Cristanini’s unmatched experience and know-how are the result of years dedicated to research, applied engineering, production of accessories and equipment with the aim of proposing innovative solutions in the field of CBRN decontamination.

The close relationship with the customer and the wide range of experience of Cristanini S.p.A. have allowed the development of a wide range of products designed to meet a multitude of customer needs and,

often to solve important problems that were previously unsolved.

The R&D program is conducted in collaboration with the most famous university institutes, including the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Padua in Italy, and in military laboratories around the world. The state-of-the-art R&D activity is validated by 25 patents. This is the result of creative work and an integrated approach in the search for new solutions to highly complex engineering, scientific, and technological problems.

Importers and official agents, in 73 different countries around the world.


Cristanini, present for over forty years in Italy and around the world, wants to be a reference for you to offer you solutions to problems related to safety and the environment. In particular: in the area of defense, civil protection, in the specific sector of decontamination and CBRN detoxification, sanitation, special industrial applications, in the urban environment, and in the recovery of works of historical, artistic, and monumental interest. In the areas mentioned, Cristanini is often the most prestigious reference in Italy and in the world.

Since the beginning of the business, in 1972, Cristanini has always privileged the investment of its resources in the development of new technical solutions, as well as in the commercial organization, to serve and respond to increasingly demanding customers.

Cristanini likes challenges. And she is used to winning them!